DAS Monthly Member Spotlight Program

As a large multi-chaptered club spanning two states, there are probably members we'd like to get to know better Despite how close we are we can always be closer. Therefore,we created a DAS program that you might be interested in. Its called the 'DAS Member Spotlight". We pick one member a month to interview and put the interview up on the webpage to read. Spotlighted Members get their own bit of fame on the webpage plus a box of pocky or Asian candy of their choice!

Want to be in the DAS spotlight? Answer the following questions and email the DAS C.hief E.xecutive O.taku at delawareanimesociety at yahoo dot com, by the 1st of each month. At the beginning of the month we'll put all the names of those who submitted interviews into our "Cheap Plastic Cauldron of Picking"(TM) and will draw our our winner!

1. Name:

2. DAS Position/Role:

3. Location:
4. What are you favorite animes, music, and Asian cinema?

5. Hobbies outside of anime?

6. What do you like best about the DAS?

7. What do you think the future holds for the DAS?

8. Do you cosplay? If so, what are your favorite costume(s)

9. Conventions attended and/or staffed?

10. Have you ever named a pet/computer/insert word here after an anime or Asian character? If so, which and why?

11. What theme or institution in anime should be decreased or increased and why

Read the Past DAS Spotlights!