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DAS Spotlight for April 2010: Ron W.

  1. Name: Ron W.

  2. DAS Position/Role: Member

  3. Location: Dover, DE

  4. What are your favorite animes, music, and Asian cinema?
    Appleseed, FMA, Wolf's Rain, Lain

  5. Hobbies outside of anime?

    Ham radio

  6. What do you like best about the DAS?
    The diversity of people and anime.

  7. What do you think the future holds for the DAS?
    Hopefully, growth!

  8. Do you cosplay? If so, what are your favorite costume(s)
    I haven't yet, but wouldn't mind trying.

  9. Conventions attended and/or staffed?

  10. Have you ever named a pet/computer/insert word here after an anime or Asian character? If so, which and why?

  11. What types of anime ashould be increased or decreased and why?
    Right now, I think its all good.
