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DAS Spotlight for September 2009: Lauren L.

  1. Name: Lauren L

  2. DAS Position/Role: Member

  3. Location: Camden, DE

  4. What are your favorite animes, music, and Asian cinema?
    Anime:: Befaru, Saint Seiya, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon. For music, I enjoy Gackt.

  5. Hobbies outside of anime?

    Drawing, reading manga, cosplaying.

  6. What do you like best about the DAS?
    Meeting new members and sharing information about whatever. nerds.

  7. What do you think the future holds for the DAS?
    More people joining and more cosplayers.

  8. Do you cosplay? If so, what are your favorite costume(s)
    Yes, my favorite cosplay is Order-Soul (Guilty Gear).

  9. Conventions attended and/or staffed?
    Otakon, Zenkaikon.

  10. Have you ever named a pet/computer/insert word here after an anime or Asian character? If so, which and why?
    Yes, I named my PS3 Dante becuse he is my favorite Devil May Cry character.
