DAS Spotlight for November 2008: Matt T.
Pic: Matt and Emma set up Settlers of Catan at a DAS Dover Fall 2008 Meeting
- Name: Matt T.
- DAS Position/Role: Member (for over 3 years!)
- Location: Rehoboth Beach, DE
- What are your favorite animes, music, and Asian
Anime:: Dominion Tank Police,Star Blazers,Akira,Blue Sub Series,Bubblegum Crisis,Street Fighter Series
Films:Robot Carnival,Record of Lodoss War et al.,Anything by Myazaki,Tekkonkinkreet, and the Live Actions Films of: Dynaman,Ultraman,Goldar,Johnny Socko, etc.
Music:New Wave 1978 - 1988 Post Modern 1988 - 1992 New Age, Celtic Rock, Trance, etc.
Asian Cinema:Anything by Akira Kirasouwa ( The master of Japanese filmmaking ) Kill Bill series, Tsui Hark ( really.. look him up ),anything with Chow Yun Fat or Jet Li, Returner ( again... look it up ;) and Anything by Stephen Chow or ZHANG YIMOU.
- Hobbies outside of anime?
Magic The Gathering,A D & D, Settlers of Cataan, Munchkin,Chez Geek, ect., Pagan handicrafts,and I'm a bibliophile.
- What do you like best about the DAS?
The cameraderie,and a big chance to get exposed to new music and anime i can't see in my neck of the woods.
- What do you think the future holds for the DAS?
up,up,up! if the genre of anime continues to break new grounds there will always be a need for us.. plus.. we have the best fans around =) Now if we could just standardize a convention meeting place *g*
- Do you cosplay? If so, what are your favorite
No, not currently.
- Conventions attended and/or staffed?
Not been to any yet... unless you count Dr. Who or Red Dwarf, Blake's Seven or Star Trek.
- Have you ever named a pet/computer/insert word here
after an anime or Asian character? If so, which and why?
Nopers... my familiar ( a cat ) is named after a Celtic Goddess.
- What theme or institution in anime should be
decreased or increased and why?
OK... dig this, too much time spent by film makers on mushy hearts and flowers giggling schoolgirl/ metro schoolboy anime. We need more Mechs and Labors and killer robots and swordfights and cool female supercops with big laserguns. And swashbuckling demon/vampire/monster hunting suave hero types and cute but powerful human animal hybrids ( ex. Unampuma and Anapuma )