Delaware Anime Society has 3 Chapters and 3 meeting locations. Our club meets every week in either Dover, DE, Wilmington, DE or Willow Grove , PA from 12-4:30 PM in our Dover Delaware location, 1-5:30 Pm at our Wilmington, Delaware location and 12-6 PM at our PA location.
In general, in addition to the anime titles our company sponsors send for free, we play some "fixed picks" (series we have voted to watch all of and watch a couple of episodes/month) as well as "random picks"(appropriately rated titles that members bring in and we vote on; they are different each month). We also play some of the most fun new and old video game titles (such as DDR, Guitar Hero, Smash Bros, Wario Ware, Bleach, etc) and have been known to have panels/workshops, raffles and other fun stuff at the meetings too!
Members often go to meetings of more than one chapter and we all gather together for group outings, events we put on and other fun stuff. By having chapters in more than one area, we can accomodate more of the anime community by having more convenient locations to attend meetings. Wherever in DE or now, Southeast PA you are, DAS has something going on for you to enjoy! Please select a Chapter to find out more!
DAS Dover Chapter
DAS Wilmington Chapter
DAS PA Chapter