Ask Japan!: A Cross Cultural Convergence
Our club has had the honor of having 2 penpals in Japan take interest in our perspectives and activities. Mikikazu-san and Ceena-san started a cultural exchange because they wanted to know more about anime fans in the USA and to have an exchange of viewpoints. We too had questions about Japanese anime fans and were only too happy to oblige! Mikikazu-san runs a blog called 'Ultimo Spalpeen' that reports American anime activities to his many readers. Ceena-san works on translations in japan and also has website. Below are links and banners to their sites. Below that are some of the Q+A sessions we've had with our penpals. If you'd like to ask our penpals anything, please email us at delawareanimesociety at yahoo dot com!
Exchange #1: October 2005: Mikikazu-san to DAS
Finally,we came up with our first 3 questions for our
friends in America.They are....
Exchange #2: December 2005: DAS to Mikikazu-san
2006 Exchange #1: Coming Soon!