Contact Information....
When emailing one of the president contacts please put DAS in the subject line so that we know it's not spam. Thanks!
DAS All Chapter Officers
Mattie, DAS Chief Executive Officer: dasmomo at gmail dot com
Secretary: Open Position
Webmaster: Open Position
All Club Meeting Assistant Scheduler: Alex
DAS Staff Email: dasmomo at gmail dot com
DAS Dover
Mattie, Dover President: dasmomo at gmail dot com
Mish, Vice-President: empressmish at yahoo dot com
Mason D, Gaming Coordinator
DAS Wilmington
Kiwi, President: PrincessKiwi.DAS at gmail dot com
James, Vice President
Alex, Meeting Assistant
Peter B, Gaming Coordinator
DAS Kanameiji(Bryn Mawr, PA)
Matt D, President
Open Position, Vice President
Bob Z., Advisor: kanameijibob at gmail dot com
To Join the Yahoo Group....
DAS Yahoo Group.
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